Have you heard the news? HubSpot has just launched Content Hub - an AI-driven content marketing platform that supports marketers in crafting and overseeing content along the entire customer journey. It has the features and benefits of multiple disparate AI tools packed neatly into one platform....
When you're busy creating content and running your own blog, guest blogging for a third party publication probably doesn’t sit very high on your list of priorities. We get it.
4 min By Zoe Palmer
While implementing your inbound marketing strategy have you ever caught yourself thinking; where do I find time to develop all this content? Who are my core personas? How do I get marketing and sales to play ball? Or, which metrics are best?
2 min By Zoe Palmer
There's often a lot of confusion between CX and UX: customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX). The terms are, in fact, closely related, so it is not surprising they're not so clearly delineated. Both concern a customer's experience of a brand and both impact a brand’s bottom line. Talk...
With so many buzzwords and terms, digital marketing can be an intricate and sometimes overwhelming topic. But is it just us, or do marketers seem to be using some differentiated terms interchangeably?
4 min By Zoe Palmer
In many organisations, marketing and sales don’t play nicely together, and we frequently see some naughty blaming behaviours coming out when sales targets are not met. “We’re not getting enough leads,” or “The leads you’re sending are not qualified,” and “You’re not following up the leads we’re...
b2b marketing planning is an essential activity for your success. Business success rarely comes from off-the-cuff decisions, and without a plan, you’re basically shooting at targets in the dark!
Time for a hard and fast rule; if you want to give your business the biggest chance of success, you need a Marketing Automation system (MA) and Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) that integrate.
Have you ever had one of the following problems: I can’t demonstrate marketing’s contribution to the bottom line I don’t know for sure what’s working Social media seems like a waste of time
You’re crazy overwhelmed, you’re getting a SUL (sweaty upper-lip) and you’ve got that worried feeling in the pit of your stomach. It’s dawned on you, the b2b marketing automation software you’re half-way through implementing is all wrong, and you know it’s just never going to work. Ok, so it might...
3 min By Zoe Palmer
There’s something about user experience marketing that intimidates people.
Digital media has opened up a world of exciting new (and seemingly endless) opportunities for marketers.