Be honest – prospecting isn't exactly your idea of a good time. If you're like most sales pros, you'd rather have meaningful conversations with potential customers than dive into endless prospect lists and LinkedIn profiles. Well, prepare for some good news! HubSpot has announced some new b2b sales...
Storytelling and data can seem like unlikely companions – one soft and pliable, the other hard and fixed, destined to tell their own stories. However, when the emotional connection of qualitative is combined with the rational appeal of quantitative, you can create content that is powerfully...
3 min By Zoe Palmer
Are you sick of not having full visibility of your sales pipeline? Are you struggling to make confident hiring and investment decisions? Or are you worried that your marketing leads are left hanging by your sales team? Worry no more with a RevOps strategy: your golden ticket to predictable and...
More than a hundred years ago, John Wanamaker, the forefather of modern marketing, made a statement that still rings true for many b2b organisations today: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.”
3 min By Zoe Palmer
When you’re utterly obsessed with something, it can be difficult to appreciate that not everyone feels the same way. This is equally true for your marketing dashboard. You might be ecstatic that your last post scored hundreds of likes, but that might not mean much to your executive board.
4 min By Zoe Palmer
How do you measure b2b marketing ROI and prove its value?
6 min By Zoe Palmer
We have so many measurable marketing metrics at our fingertips these days, that this can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, we can drill down into every single aspect of the customer journey to a microscopic level, giving us a fully detailed picture of what is going on at each stage; on...
Have you ever had one of the following problems: I can’t demonstrate marketing’s contribution to the bottom line I don’t know for sure what’s working Social media seems like a waste of time
Digital marketing may as well just be called ‘marketing’ these days because there really is no separation any more. Fact is, if your marketing plan doesn’t include digital, you’re in trouble.
6 min By Zoe Palmer
Big data has gone from ‘the talk of the town’ to an accepted staple in b2b marketing. But when it comes to making it work for your campaigns, there’s much to consider. From issues with collecting, standardising, and interpreting data (not to mention keeping it secure) without the right know-how,...