Have you heard the news? HubSpot has just launched Content Hub - an AI-driven content marketing platform that supports marketers in crafting and overseeing content along the entire customer journey. It has the features and benefits of multiple disparate AI tools packed neatly into one platform....
The latest Google Core Update in March 2024 has had a significant impact on the digital marketing world, particularly for those who heavily rely on automated content creation. This update aims to reduce spammy content by over 40% and prioritise helpful, high-quality sites by addressing the surge in...
Have you heard the news? HubSpot has just launched Content Hub - an AI-driven content marketing platform that supports marketers in crafting and overseeing content along the entire customer journey. It has the features and benefits of multiple disparate AI tools packed neatly into one platform....
AI is the talk of the town these days, and depending on what side of the fence you sit on, it’s either the bell of the ball or the death knell for all our jobs - especially in the marketing-verse.
3 min By Katie Smyth
The world of b2b marketing is evolving at a rapid rate to cater to an ever-changing digital landscape. Social media has a large part to play in determining what marketing strategies work best in 2022. The algorithms of social channels significantly influence what content performs best and there’s...
3 min By Zoe Palmer
When content marketing first entered the scene, most b2b marketers were quick to jump on the bandwagon. Excited about the potential of taking more control of our own brand stories, we started writing and publishing like our lives depended on it.
“To gate, or not to gate, that is the question”. It’s a little-known fact that the great debate on whether to gate your content was first considered by William Shakespeare back in 1603. Ok, maybe we’re exaggerating a little bit, but it does FEEL like the debate has been going on for that long.
You've likely heard the buzz around popular social media platform TikTok, which now has 500 million monthly active users and is the third-most downloaded app globally. While Gen-Z uses the platform to showcase their creative side, some brands on TikTok use the platform to build awareness, engage...
Does the thought of a b2b newsletter have you yawning? We hear you! They’ve developed quite a bad rap, with people clicking delete or unsubscribe as soon as it hits their inbox. But fear not! When executed properly, a b2b newsletter can deliver valuable information, genuine personality and a human...
4 min By Zoe Palmer
Previously, on the Brand chemistry blog, we told you why you need a LinkedIn thought leadership strategy. And in this week's episo... whoops, blog, we'll break down what that strategy should include.
4 min By Zoe Palmer
Are you struggling to produce content that captures the attention of your target audience? That isn’t, well… boring? We might hate to admit it, but sometimes we have a content problem. Dozens of blog posts and downloadables mean nothing if no one wants to read them.
4 min By Zoe Palmer
So you’re a keen b2b inbound marketer - your website is packed with high quality blogs, ebooks, case studies, videos and more. There’s only one problem: no one is finding any of the content you’ve worked so hard to create.
2 min By Zoe Palmer
We all love a good podcast, whether your jam is true crime, comedy or current affairs. Not only are they great for entertainment and staying informed, but they’re also an easy way to learn about new b2b marketing ideas, hacks and tech.