Be honest – prospecting isn't exactly your idea of a good time. If you're like most sales pros, you'd rather have meaningful conversations with potential customers than dive into endless prospect lists and LinkedIn profiles. Well, prepare for some good news! HubSpot has announced some new b2b sales...
5 min By Zoe Palmer
So you’re thinking about hiring a b2b content marketing agency. Great idea! We think the combination of in-house marketing with an outsourced marketing agency is a match made in heaven.
If you haven’t already heard, b2b marketing videos are an essential part of content strategies. Videos are so pervasive in the online environment now it’s not hard to believe that over 80% of all b2b internet traffic comes from video.
LinkedIn and Facebook are pretty standard custodians of media budgets for b2b marketers. However, the measures of success can vary widely from one marketer to the next. Is there a right and wrong way to measure your paid media performance?
6 min By Zoe Palmer
We have so many measurable marketing metrics at our fingertips these days, that this can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, we can drill down into every single aspect of the customer journey to a microscopic level, giving us a fully detailed picture of what is going on at each stage; on...
3 min By Zoe Palmer
Unfortunately, many in-house marketers have had bad experiences with agencies, causing them to shy away from inbound outsourcing at all. The next time they need to plug a skill gap in their team, they opt to hire in-house instead.
4 min By Zoe Palmer
In the market for a new b2b website, but doing everything you can to avoid starting the process? We don't blame you! Website design is enough to strike fear in the hearts of any sensible marketer or business owner.
4 min By Zoe Palmer
How does your website fit into your inbound marketing strategy? This is a question that comes up as frequently as #throwbackthursday here at Bc. It is, unfortunately, an area that is poorly understood in b2b marketing. Which is kind of crazy to us, but then again, we’re in it every day.
5 min By Zoe Palmer
As a b2b business, you might not be fully sold on the benefits of organic social marketing. After all, you’re trying to reach entire businesses – is it really worth investing precious time and energy posting a few status updates when you’re gunning for much bigger fish?
6 min By Zoe Palmer
Since the term was coined in 2010, b2b growth hacking has become de rigueur – so much so, in fact, that some organisations have replaced marketing teams with growth teams. But is growth hacking really all it's cracked up to be?
2 min By Zoe Palmer
There’s a lot of buzz and excitement swirling around at the moment about Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence in marketing. Until recently, these phrases were the stuff futuristic Hollywood blockbuster dreams were made of, you know, like in iRobot, Alien and the Terminator trilogy.
5 min By Zoe Palmer
So you’re keen to get in on the b2b marketing automation platform action? And so you should be – marketing automation can be hugely beneficial in terms of streamlining all the fiddly processes that go into lead generation and management.
8 min By Zoe Palmer
In case you haven’t heard, the robots are coming after your job. In fact, according to Elon Musk, they may even bring about the end of human civilisation itself. In all this gloom and doom, it’s understandable that you might be somewhat wary of artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning.