Have you heard the news? HubSpot has just launched Content Hub - an AI-driven content marketing platform that supports marketers in crafting and overseeing content along the entire customer journey. It has the features and benefits of multiple disparate AI tools packed neatly into one platform....
6 min By Zoe Palmer
Strong brands enable b2b organisations to transcend product features and build a more enduring, emotional connection with buyers and other stakeholders, by reflecting some of the values they hold dear. Uncovering what is truly important to your stakeholders is a powerful and transformative process...
A pumping inbound marketing pipeline is a little bit like getting a perfectly toned body in time for summer. Everybody wants it, but only the very committed will achieve the desired results. The rest of us once again postpone our goals until next year and drown our sorrows in Golden Gaytimes.
6 min By Zoe Palmer
Let me begin with a story. It’s late on a Thursday. I come off an overseas client conference and take an immediate oath to break up with our web conferencing software - the direct cause of my stress headache. Google time!
5 min By Zoe Palmer
Did you know 90% of agencies say they truly understand their client’s business, but only 65% of clients agree? With this kind of disparity, how can a client-agency relationship truly work?
3 min By Beth Storck
Creating captivating b2b infographics that can charm and inform simultaneously can sometimes be a bit like geo tagging Dory from Finding Nemo. Where do you even start?
5 min By Zoe Palmer
In an ideal world, your marketing content should be like the Yellow Brick Road in The Wizard of Oz - a shiny, glittering, well-posted path that ultimately leads your customer to where they need to be — your business.
3 min By Gemma Fahy
In May, we’ve been lucky enough to attend some really great talks at CeBIT 2016, and we’ve taken a lot away from them.
3 min By Zoe Palmer
The end of the financial year is approaching, and – miracle of miracles – you still have some money left in the marketing budget.
3 min By Beth Storck
Software companies all over the world have a specific challenge. It is one that we see them consistently struggle with – and no wonder. It is not an easy job.
2 min By Gemma Fahy
A good tussle with a worthy opponent can be satisfying and fun - but ultimately can get in the way of the greater good. This is especially true when traditional enemies are actually working towards a common goal, and there is no better example than the age-old feud between IT and marketing.
According to a recent study by the Content Marketing Institute, 88% of b2b marketers are using content marketing in their marketing mix. However, only 32% of organisations have reached a high level of maturity and sophistication in their b2b content marketing strategies.
Is it colour or color? And do we write 5 or five in a headline? What about okay, ok, OK or o.k.?