Be honest – prospecting isn't exactly your idea of a good time. If you're like most sales pros, you'd rather have meaningful conversations with potential customers than dive into endless prospect lists and LinkedIn profiles. Well, prepare for some good news! HubSpot has announced some new b2b sales...
3 min
Jess Zavolokin
We know that a more engaging user experience increases the likelihood of conversions. However, the user experience has traditionally been tied to design and visual elements—but what about UX writing?
4 min
Zoe Palmer
Are you struggling to produce content that captures the attention of your target audience? That isn’t, well… boring? We might hate to admit it, but sometimes we have a content problem. Dozens of blog posts and downloadables mean nothing if no one wants to read them.
3 min
Zoe Palmer
Once upon a time, there was a b2b brand that did not know how to use brand storytelling. Its blogs read like an annual report, with no compelling narrative or personality. There were no lessons that arose from hefty challenges anywhere on its person. Over time, it started to notice that friends...
4 min
Zoe Palmer
When you first started your business, you probably didn't have the most polished brand identity. And that's okay. Your focus was on building a viable business as it should have been. Money was tight, so you had to be careful with your investments. You wanted a brand identity that was functional and...
6 min
Zoe Palmer
Strong brands enable b2b organisations to transcend product features and build a more enduring, emotional connection with buyers and other stakeholders, by reflecting some of the values they hold dear. Uncovering what is truly important to your stakeholders is a powerful and transformative process...
3 min
Andrea Hoymann
Is your market full of products and services that all look the same? Do you find yourself competing on price more often than you’d like to? In a market crammed with me-too products and services, implementing powerful strategies for brand positioning can help customers pick you out of a line-up of...
3 min
Zoe Palmer
A brand is much more than the sum of its parts. A successful brand embodies the promise that certain values and qualities will be delivered to your customer when they purchase your product or service: and that makes it one of your company’s most valuable assets. But when is it time for a rebrand...
3 min
Zoe Palmer
Here at Brand chemistry, we’ve always said that the first and most fundamental step to successful brand building is research – getting under the skin of your target customer, understanding your competitors and your market landscape.
2 min
Zoe Palmer
Here at Brand chemistry, we talk to many companies whose businesses have evolved so fast that they’ve suddenly found themselves constrained by a brand that doesn’t fit any more. We also talk to companies whose competitive landscape and customer profile have changed so much that their brands are...
1 min
Zoe Palmer
You have probably seen them as often as we have: the dodgy logos, the incomprehensible (or downright silly) strapline, or the look and feel that just feels... well, plain wrong. You don’t have to look far to find glaring brand mistakes, both in and out of the b2b arena. As well as the obvious...
1 min
Zoe Palmer
Positioning vs branding - what's the difference? At Bc, we regularly get asked this question, so let's take a closer look at the two and how they work together.