Have you heard the news? HubSpot has just launched Content Hub - an AI-driven content marketing platform that supports marketers in crafting and overseeing content along the entire customer journey. It has the features and benefits of multiple disparate AI tools packed neatly into one platform....
Websites are like opinions – everyone has one, and the spectrum of usefulness is expansive. A b2b website is successful if it is attracting, engaging and converting buyers, no matter what that conversion looks like. If you want yourwebsite to pull some power moves, you should be checking out...
Storytelling and data can seem like unlikely companions – one soft and pliable, the other hard and fixed, destined to tell their own stories. However, when the emotional connection of qualitative is combined with the rational appeal of quantitative, you can create content that is powerfully...
AI is the talk of the town these days, and depending on what side of the fence you sit on, it’s either the bell of the ball or the death knell for all our jobs - especially in the marketing-verse.
Since the dawn of time when people bartered their way through society, the art of selling has been reactive and predicated on assumptions, rather than concrete facts about potential clientele. But this off-the-cuff approach doesn’t bode too well anymore, because clued-up customers are all too...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that can help to automate repetitive tasks and streamline content production. However, “with great power comes great responsibility” - and businesses must have a robust AI policy in place to use AI for marketing effectively and ethically.
Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to redefine how we interact with technology. In early May, Google announced plans to supercharge its search engine with generative AI. This powerful new technology is intended to make it easier for users to understand a topic, discover new viewpoints, uncover...
If you have spent any time on social media lately - or the internet, for that matter - you’ve probably heard about a little invention called ChatGPT. Late last year, OpenAI launched the tool to the public, and the response has ranged from boundless enthusiasm to complete doom and gloom. Some have...
Running a marketing department can be a tricky job, but running one for a company that’s quickly trying to scale up marketing efforts can feel like a whole other level of craziness. Sometimes, it feels like there are not enough hours in the day (because there usually isn’t) as you manage an...
“To gate, or not to gate, that is the question”. It’s a little-known fact that the great debate on whether to gate your content was first considered by William Shakespeare back in 1603. Ok, maybe we’re exaggerating a little bit, but it does FEEL like the debate has been going on for that long.
Getting the best for your business out of search engine optimisation is a moving target. Still, one thing that has become clear is that showing up in the right searches is more important than showing up in the most searches. That’s the aim of b2b keyword strategy — getting your page to come up...
You’ve spent blood, sweat, tears and the better part of your hair building up a thriving and shiny startup. What you may have failed to realise is that in this frantic, stressful time, your business is not the only thing that has emerged changed – you have.
For many b2b businesses, inbound marketing is often adopted half-heartedly and not fully integrated with the rest of the business. This means that results often fall short of the 4:1 ROI that is achievable within the first year. A functioning inbound marketing pipeline depends on you going ‘all in’...