Have you heard the news? HubSpot has just launched Content Hub - an AI-driven content marketing platform that supports marketers in crafting and overseeing content along the entire customer journey. It has the features and benefits of multiple disparate AI tools packed neatly into one platform....
3 min By Zoe Palmer
After much research, you’ve decided to invest in HubSpot as your marketing automation platform. But now you’re faced with another task: onboarding. Migrating your data and website over, creating templates, integrating with your other tools, setting up lists and segmentation - all while learning the...
1 min By Zoe Palmer
We are thrilled to announce that we’ve earned our HubSpot Onboarding Accreditation! That makes us one of only 20 Australian agencies to achieve this prestigious recognition. This accolade demonstrates our company-wide expertise across the HubSpot ecosystem and our high-quality service as a...
3 min By Zoe Palmer
After much research and discussion, you’ve decided to invest in HubSpot. Your marketing automation journey is about to begin! But first, onboarding. As with any new platform, the quality of your HubSpot setup will determine how rapidly you start seeing a return on your investment (ROI). A good...
4 min By Zoe Palmer
So you’ve decided you need marketing automation, and you think HubSpot might be the right fit for you. But when you navigate to HubSpot’s pricing page, you’re met with a long and somewhat bamboozling list of features. Just what does it all mean, and how do you work out which subscription option –...