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What to expect from our b2b product positioning process

Our collaborative workshopping and research methodology gets to the right answer quickly and with full stakeholder support.

Briefing & research

1. Stakeholder briefing - we meet with your most influential and knowledgeable stakeholders to take a contextual briefing. 

2. Customer research calls - we run deep dive calls with some of your best customers to understand what makes your product special and why.

Briefing & research

Competitor review & positioning workshop

1. Competitor review - we do a positioning review of your four closest competitors. 

2. B2b product positioning workshop - we bring our insights into you for our half-day positioning workshop with your key stakeholders (and exceed) customer expectations with your brand promise. 

Competitor review & b2b product positioning workshop

Interpretation & testing

5. Interpretation and product positioning - we interpret all outcomes and present your proposed new product positioning, including how to present it in a sales environment. 

6. Sales pitch testing - you pitch the new product positioning in the next five prospect meetings, record and share with us for review.

Interpretation & testing

Product & service messaging

Once you’ve identified your company brand and your product brand positions, there is still plenty to talk about. 

We help you identify and rank your features and benefits based on customer needs, then create messaging that communicates beautifully across different platforms and formats. 

We also make sure your product messaging is aligned with your company brand, product brand and audience.

Product & service messaging

What our clients say

“Brand chemistry did their homework so thoroughly, they really got under the skin of the business. They showed us how we were viewed by our clients, and delivered some amazing insights  that we’d been too involved to see ourselves. The positioning process and Brand chemistry’s involvement has really helped us see the wood for the trees and given us a new identity which is grounded in fact and experience."

Manish Goklaney
Managing Director, Indicium

What our clients say

"The Bc team has breathed life into our brand, giving us a stronger, clearer voice. And more importantly, a compelling position in the market." 

Renee Welsh
CEO, Booking Boss

What our clients say

"Brand Chemistry have crafted an authentic yet inspiring brand for Squiz. Our clients love the promise and our staff have a newfound energy driven by a clear, succinct and uniting brand vision. I’ve relished the privilege of working closely with Zoe Palmer, Managing Director of Brand Chemistry. I cannot speak highly enough of her skill at effecting change under tight deadlines while all the time aligning, educating and empowering stakeholders. I look forward to closely involving Brand Chemistry in the future evolution of Squiz as I frequently find myself wondering how we ever managed without them."

John-Paul Syriatowicz
Managing Director, Squiz

Why Bc?

B2b product positioning is not a set and forget activity!  As happy as you might be with your pithy pitch, as soon as competitors make moves, your relative position in the market changes, and your message may no longer land. As customers become more educated, it changes again. That means you need to keep moving with the times. 

Brand chemistry has a structured process to succinctly pinpoint your winning position. We’ll also show you how to adjust, test and sustain your winning product position over time.

Why chose Bc for b2b product positioning

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