Investing in yourself is always a great move, making yourself more valuable and accruing knowledge and skills to take you, your team, and your customers further. The other great thing about building your skill base is that it doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, there are fantastic b2b marketing training courses covering numerous areas of marketing that cost little or even nothing!

Even better, free doesn’t mean low quality. In this blog, we’ve gathered the most excellent courses teaching you everything from social media to SEO and paid advertising – and you can spend your cash on a bubble tea instead.

Let’s jump in and take a look at these great courses that reward small budgets!

Content Marketing Certification - HubSpot Academy

Cost: Free

HubSpot is one of the marketing industry leaders, and with good reason, offering hundreds of free course topics. This b2b marketing training course is for small business owners who want to know the fundamentals of content marketing using strategies proven to yield results. It also focuses on search engine optimisation (SEO) to increase your organic traffic.

Though it’s free, it’s rich with insights and practical strategies! You get 54 videos over 12 lessons plus quizzes so you can make sure you’re able to apply what you’re learning.

Content Marketing for b2b enterprises – Udemy

Cost: Free

Boasting over 210,000 courses in their catalogue (whoa!), Udemy can confidently claim that users can ‘learn anything’. So what makes this course shine among considerable other options? Its focus on b2b lead generation makes it ideal for marketers looking to capture the attention of this crowded market.

A great thing about this course is that each of its 19 video lessons takes about five minutes, so it’s nicely bite-sized for all you busy marketers looking to build your b2b marketing skills!

Content SEO – SE Ranking

Cost: Free (on 14 day free trial, $44 USD for Essential subscription plan)

SEO is an essential element to your b2b content marketing, necessary to drive visitors to your websites, blogs, and other web content. If you’ve been meaning to get a grasp on metadata, keywords, and how to develop a killer SEO strategy, this b2b marketing training course is for you.

Because SEO is a long-term strategy that pays off after consistent application, the Content SEO course also shows you how to gauge how your content is performing to make sure you’re on track.

Social Media Marketing Certification Course – HubSpot Academy

Cost: Free

The importance of social media is well understood by anyone in business, but what is not as well appreciated is that to make your efforts worthwhile, you need a strategy. Avoid wasting your time creating disjointed posts – this course will teach you social media marketing and strategy so your socials will appeal to your b2b customers with measurable results.

Rich with videos and quizzes, this b2b marketing training course will have you dominating socials in no time!

Digital Marketing Foundations – LinkedIn Learning

Cost: Free (on 1-month free trial, purchase for $39.99 AUD)

Digital marketing involves numerous moving parts, and if you don’t have a map of this digital landscape, it’s easy to get lost. This compact and value-rich digital marketing course shows you how to connect your campaign channels to reach your ideal audiences online.

It also takes you beyond the fundamentals and teaches you about analytics, customer engagement, paid channels, and more. This is an excellent course to give you the big picture so you can apply individual marketing tactics with confidence and cohesion.

Email Marketing Certification Course - HubSpot Academy

Cost: Free

Having strong email marketing skills will never go out of fashion. While socials and algorithms may change as often as K-pop idols change their hair colour, growing and nurturing your email database will always allow you to connect with your audience.

HubSpot’s Email Marketing course breaks down the key skills you need, from segmentation to automation and creating impactful copy that converts.

Web Development Courses - CodeAcademy

Cost: Free

Thought that learning web development was out of your reach? CodeAdademy’s web development courses teach you how to go from concept to live on the internet, without spending a cent.

The free courses include both beginner and intermediate skillsets so you can build your skills step by step. Now you know where you can learn programming languages, web design, interactive elements, and much more – all for the price of a click.

Digital Advertising Certification - HubSpot Academy

Cost: Free

While learning these skills is free, this b2b marketing training course is all about how to spend your advertising dollars wisely by creating superior paid digital media campaigns.

Like all the HubSpot courses, it is broken down into manageable chunks, using lessons, videos, and quizzes to build your understanding of the theory and application of digital advertising that works.

PPC Fundamentals - Semrush

Cost: Free

This Pay Per Click (PPC) course extends your expertise in digital advertising and gives you a solid foundation of the fundamentals all the way through to how to create, launch, and manage PPC campaigns.

Well-executed PPC can be extremely effective, so getting this course under your belt can give you a powerful edge in your digital advertising work.

b2b marketing training courses for everyone

Budgets are always an important consideration when running your business and your professional development is no different. Take advantage of the wealth of information available for the cost of your time. The quality and number of courses are incredible, and even if you just do the group we have presented here, you will be a much more capable b2b marketer, and that’s worth an air punch!

To learn more about delivering comprehensive b2b marketing, get in touch with us here.

Brand chemistry is a b2b marketing agency winning your customers' hearts and minds through inbound, brand, content, lead generation and digital strategy. Our marketing specialists achieve stellar results with the latest b2b marketing techniques.

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